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Av. Universidad No. 60, C.C. Universidad, Locales 3 y 4,
El Limón, Maracay
Edo. Aragua - Venezuela
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Cel: (58 416) 645.41.73
Fax : (58-0243) 283.97.10

Developed by: Saintel Consultores, C.A
Company of Iseca Group

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 LLANO MALL CENTER,  the concept
Boulevard View - great urban element that will characterize the "LLANO MALL CENTER"
View of the Cover (roof) of "AMANECER"
The Commercial Complex "Llano Mall Center" is located at the northeast part of the city of  Acarigua in the State of Portuguesa. The east side is on the José Antonio Páez Av., the north side is on the Eduardo Chollet Av., and the west side is on the Gonzalo Barrios Av. The land has an area of 48.000 square meters, and a project location of 21.35% of the land area. The geomorphology is characterized by a lack of vegetation and a topography with a level difference of 1.63 m which generates a 4% gradient, from the farthest point of the land on the Gonzalo Barrios Av. to the intersection of Páez and Chollet avenues. Due to the vast size of the land, the gradient is very soft.



External view of "OCASO", which connects to the south parking lot of the Mall

The "LLANO MALL CENTER" project uses the ground's natural characteristics with the idea of improving them through the harmonic use of color, purity and gentile volume to smooth and soften the large mass; never forgetting the user as the most important factor, providing ample and rich exteriors that are compatible with city. 
Iseca's Team in the "LLano Mall Center" Project:
Engineering Coordinator:
Eng. Ricardo Ravenna
Structural Engineer:
Eng. Nicolás Di Geronimo
Eng. Ricardo Ravenna
Plumbing Systems:
Arq. Ana Scotti
Eng. Ricardo Ravenna
View of "Llano Mall Center"
"Llano Mall Center ", the complex that integrates shopping and entertainment